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Books and other references

  1. Combinatorial Optimization by Cook, Cunningham, Pulleyblank, and Schrijver. Book's web site.
  2. Combinatorial Optimization (Lecture Notes) by Andrew V. Goldberg postscript file
  3. Andrew V. Goldberg and Robert E. Tarjan, A new approach to the maximum-flow problem, Journal of the ACM (JACM), Volume 35 , Issue 4 (October 1988). (You can download the paper from TAU computers)
  4. Andrew V. Goldberg and Robert E. Tarjan, Finding minimum-cost circulations by canceling negative cycles Journal of the ACM, Volume 36 , Issue 4 (October 1989).
  5. Michel Goemans has a homepage for an Advanced Algorithms Course. In that homepage, you can find links to various lecture notes. In particular, I will be using the Network Flow chapter.
  6. Network flows : theory, algorithms, and applications / by Ravindra K. Ahuja, Thomas L. Magnanti, and James B. Orlin.
  7. Introduction to linear optimization / by Dimitris Bertsimas, John N. Tsitsiklis.
  8. Combinatorial optimization : algorithms and complexity / by Christos H. Papadimitriou, Kenneth Steiglitz
  9. Scanned version of Graph Algorithms by Shimon Even.
  10. Neal Young, Sequential and parallel algorithms for mixed packing and covering (contains copy of paper and slides).

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Guy Even 2007-01-31