Introduction to Digital Computers - Spring 2002


Dr. Guy Even
Office Hour: Wednesday 11-12 (Room 116, Elec. Eng.-Labs Building, best to coordinate meeting by email)

Tsahi Etziony
Office Hour: Monday 12-13, Room 106, Elec. Eng.-Labs Building

place & time

Mondays 10-12, Room 134, Wolfson
Thursdays 12-14, Room 438, Wolfson

syllabus & schedule

To be added... Small modifications compared to last year 2001 Schedule

course requirements

Course grade will be determined as follows:
  1. Homework: homework grades will constitute 25% of final grade. The homework grade will be the average of the top 80% of the grades.
  2. Final exam: the grade of the final exam will constitute 75% of the final grade.


e-mail distribution list

A web interface for joining the list, leaving the list, reading old postings, etc:

Those of you who have accounts on should have been added automatically to the list. The computation center of the university requires students to activate their e-mail accounts. That can be done in this link:

In any case, the list is open so that everybody may join or leave the list, post messages, and read the archive.

Please use this channel for all topics related to the course (questions about material from the class or from homework). I will do my best to reply quickly to questions directed to me.

course material

Course material is posted as Postscript files or PDF files.

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes are in pretty bad shape (especially chapter 3 in which the priority encoder is wrong!), but I have to give you something...



Old Exams

books and related lecture notes

  1. Lecture Notes: Dr. Ami Litman's Lecture Notes in Logic Design, CS Dept., Technion.
  2. Computer Architecture: complexity and correctness or the older book by the same authors titled ``The Complexity of Simple Computer Architectures''.
  3. Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, Second Edition John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson.
  4. Additional Resources for Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, Second Edition. Contains simulators, lecture slides from various universities, and more.
  5. WWW Computer Architecture Home Page contains a list of books, publications, and various activities in Computer Architecture
