Computer Structure Lab - Fall 2001
Dr. Guy Even
Office Hours: Wednesday 11-12, Room 116, Engineering-Labs Building
Nissim Halabi
Office Hour (by email appointment): Room 110, Engineering-Labs Building, Mondays 14-15.
Marko Markov Tel:
640-8294 (lab) 640-6919 (room 106)
place & time:
Lab: Room 204, Engineering-Classes Building,
Mondays & Tuesdays 8-11, 11-14
Exercise: Room 009, Wolfson, Thursdays 12-14 (only
during the first half of the semester).
email distribution list:
To join the list, read old postings, etc. visit:
course material:
links and books:
Xilinx Student Edition - Foundation Ver. 1.5 can be loaned from the library (overnight).
(system number <1466473>)
library catalog entry.
Digital Design Principles and Practices by John F. Wakerly. Reserved
copy in the library. This digital design book is written so that the
students can do everything also with the Xilinx Student Edition
Foundation Software. The book also has a web site with ABEL examples
and examples of Foundation 1.5 schematics. Visit the book's web site.
Xilinx University Program
"The Complexity
of Simple Computer Architectures", by Silvia M. Müller and Wolfgang
J. Paul