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  1. Introduction to Linear Programming from the perspective of Set Cover

  2. Introduction to network flow, Ford-Fulkerson.

  3. Decomposition of standard flow in to flow paths (path packing).

  4. Review of flow augmenting algorithms, matching and vertex cover in bipartite graphs.

  5. Push-Relabel max flow algorithm: preliminaries.

  6. Push-Relabel max flow algorithm: generic description and analysis.

  7. Push-Relabel max flow algorithm: implementation in $O(n^3)$

  8. Max flow with lower bounds

  9. Proof of Dilworth Theorem

  10. Minimum cycle mean algorithm PPTX with narrations (zipped): Minimum cycle mean algorithm

  11. Min cost flow: definitions, Klein's algorithm, Scaling algorithm

  12. Global min-cut algorithms in undirected graphs

  13. Edge coloring (Vizing)

  14. Maximum matching algorithm in general graphs

  15. Introduction to linear programming

  16. Fourier Motzking elimination

  17. Farkas Lemma and Strong Duality

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